Dr. Miqueas Thärigen
90% of the tumors are curable if detected early.
Each day counts

Committed to your
Gyneco-Mastologic Health
I always had a strong personal conviction to be able to help people, that is why I decided to study medicine at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), and then to study gynecology, finishing my residency at the Spanish Hospital of Buenos Aires and obtaining the title of specialist.
However, after some years of practice, and influenced by my rotation in breast oncology at the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau in Barcelona and the Marie Curie Hospital in Buenos Aires, my curiosity and interest in breast pathology became stronger and stronger, for its tools in early detection and great horizons in diagnosis and timely treatment, made me study this specialty in the Argentine Society of Mastology, thus being able to provide every day to many women, early detection and timely treatment.
During 2014 I attended the XL Annual Course of the Argentine School of Mastology. IV Biennial National Course of Accreditation in Mastology 2017-2018. Accrediting me as a medical Mastologist, 8/11/2019. In 2014 I participated in the 18th SIS World Breast HealThcare in Orlando, Florida USA; as well as in different congresses of Mastology in the city of Buenos Aires.
Schedule your appointment online
ONLINE CONSULTATION is available for all the argentine territory and abroad. It does not replace the face-to-face medical consultation. Many consultations must be complemented with physical/gynecological examination, so if the consultation needs to be in person, that will be the indication.
Since 2016 I have been working at Clínica Pueyrredón in the Gynecology Institute of Mar del Plata, where I have performed more than 200 surgical procedures and attended thousands of patients.
Each breast pathology can have different treatments, according to each particular situation of the patient. The treatment to choose will always be the most appropriate according to the person and the characteristics of the tumor. The Oncologist and Mastologist are responsible for defining such treatment.
It’s very important, and even crucial, the good early diagnosis and the correct treatment to have a better survival, that is why it’s necessary to be treated by professionals and specialists in the field. DO NOT WASTE TIME, your life is at stake.
Did you know that in 2013 Law 26.872 on Reconstructive Surgery Coverage was passed?
In 2013, Law 26.872 on the Coverage of Reconstructive Surgery as a consequence of Mastectomy due to breast pathology was enacted. Thus, breast reconstruction became a treatment that, by right, every woman who has undergone a mastectomy can access.
Do not fail to assert your right, always remember to ask for breast reconstruction.
Gene expression testing is a form of personalized medicine to learn more about your cancer and tailor your treatment. These tests are performed on breast cancer cells after surgery or biopsy to examine the patterns of a number of different genes. This process is sometimes called gene expression profiling.
The patterns found can help predict whether certain early-stage breast cancers are likely to come back after initial treatment. Doctors can also use the information from some of these tests to find out which women are most likely to do better with chemotherapy after breast surgery.
Healthy Habits
Physical Activity
Physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight. Most adults should aim for at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week.
Balanced Diet
Following a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in added sugar and trans fats can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Maintaining a healthy weight is also a key factor in breast cancer prevention.
Avoid Smoking
Tobacco contains carcinogens that are released during smoking and pass through the cell membrane. These chemicals can be stored in the fatty tissues of the breast and thus damage healthy breast cells.
Limit Alcohol Intake
The more alcohol you drink, the higher your risk of developing breast cancer. The general recommendation is to limit yourself to no more than one drink a day,as even small amounts increase the risk.
Control Stress
People who use effective coping strategies to manage stress, such as relaxation and stress management techniques, have lower levels of depression, anxiety and symptoms related to cancer and its treatment.
My Patient's Testimonials
“Feeling confident in Dr. Miqueas made me feel relaxed. I came out of the operation without even realizing what had happened; excellent all around!”

Veronica, 53 años
“During the surgical procedure I felt cared for, they accompanied me in my fears, Doctor Miqueas cleared all my doubts, I was able to detect it in time! The Doctor explained to me that breast cancer is a silent disease and the first weapon we have is prevention, do not hesitate or stop doing your controls, because every day counts.”

fabiana, 51 años
“I want to give strength and hope to those who have to start today… with love… with a positive attitude… with the support of doctors like Miqueas… know that everything will be easier. I’m immensely grateful!!!!! I went through chemotherapy, through rays and now I can share with immense happiness that I finish the treatment.💪”

“Dr. Miqueas explained to me with his patience the results of all my studies. He has enormous patience and made me feel very well accompanied. Today I’m fine, no cancer, I continue with my controls and my treatment. Thank you Dr. Miqueas for being a great professional and a wonderful person!”

Marcela, 53 años

Haven't you had your routine check-ups yet?
With a general medical checkup every year and different studies according to your age, you can clear your doubts about any condition and keep track of your gyneco-mastological health. Keep your medical studies up to date.
Each day counts